Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday Tale: No love for His car.

So, after my almost 43 years of maintaining a perfect driving record it happened. I actually caused damage to a car. The worst of it is that it isn't even my own car, and it happened before my guy took flight.

No excuses here. I messed up. I messed up big time. As I was turning the car around in the spot to the side of our driveway I full-on scraped the rock that is in place to mark the area. I am not quite sure why the camera system wasn't screaming at me before I hit the rock but nevertheless I'm totally at fault for this one. 

So without further ado, here she is...

Yup I did this. This car has been dinged by other people's doors and scratched for unknown reasons but it has never been in an accident. To think this happened in our own driveway! Guess I didn't show her much love after not being in the driver's seat for so long.

I'm going to blame my lack of, let's say, attention due to the fact I was still in shock from having to pay $10/bag for soil - and that was the discounted price for buying two - on my way home from the airport. 

Yes. That's my story, and I'm gonna stick to it!

TODAY: It's a cleaning day, and if all goes well, it will be a yard day too. Now GO!

XO Lisa

Monday, April 29, 2024

Cake 17 for Dad

Seventeen birthdays since you've been gone Dad. Seventeen. Time keeps moving even though you are not here to share the highs and lows of everyday life. There have been so many moments I have found myself thinking about you, wishing I could share something with you, and missing our 'sparring' matches. You challenged me. You made me better. You comforted me when I needed it. Your smile brightened a room like no other. You had your demons and managed to keep them in check. You, Pops were one of a kind. I see the similarities of us. I know our differences. You will always be my father. I will always be my father's daughter.

XO Lisa

PS: This year's cake flavour is a repeat request from my guy since he is the one who usually eats them. It is a lemon blueberry 6" two-layer with homemade blueberry compote filling. Because my guy ended up not being able to be here to indulge, the decision was made to gift this cake to his Mom as part of her early Mother's Day gift this past weekend. I hope she and her friends are able to enjoy this special "Dad's" cake as much as I loved baking it.

Friday, April 26, 2024

It's a Date

Since I didn't get a chance to pop on in here and share a few thoughts yesterday, I thought I'd take a few seconds to say hello.

Yesterday was a full day in the kitchen baking and decorating. I'm pretty sure I've said in the past how slow I am but I will repeat myself. I.  A.M.  S.L.O.W!

My Dad's birthday is coming up next week, and I am continuing the tradition of baking him a cake on his birthday since his passing. This year is the 17th cake I've made in his honour. It's because of him I have actually learned how to bake. True story! My guy helped me decide on the flavour this year because, let's face it, he's the one who generally eats them; and it is one of his favourites, lemon blueberry.

Because my guy is travelling soon, I decided I better prepare the cake ahead of time to ensure it is eaten before his departure. Then, this week we thought since he will be gone during Mother's Day, we should visit his mom this weekend. Dad's cake is now a Dad, my guy, and Mother's Day cake all in one. I hope my mother in-law receives this as intended and not think she was an afterthought. We just thought it would be a great way to share this special cake (and cupcakes) with her as well.

I'm so glad I got everything done because my hubby informed me after work yesterday that he decided to take today off since he's heading out for another work trip on Sunday. That's two Fridays in a row! Apparently, we have a lunch date at one of our favourite wineries today. So excited!

AND because posts are always better with photos, I share a quick shot of another bake I made earlier in the week. I have to admit these peanut butter chocolate chip cookies were dangerously good!

Cell phone April 23, 2024

TODAY: It's a laundry-on-the-line, lunch date, wine tasting kind of day. Now let's GO!

XO Lisa

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Wordless Wednesday: Snack Time

(Snack Time - Black-capped Chickadee: Canon 80D/Canon 75-300mm taken April 23, 2024)
XO Lisa 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

This guy...

So, after the always not-so-pleasant preparations this guy had a colonoscopy for the first time. By the sounds of it, it's a good thing he had it done as he will now be followed more closely.

This is the first time I have been able to accompany him to a procedure. The only other time he had to have diagnostics done was when he was overseas and it was not so fun for me being far away wondering if he was OK. At that time, I told myself if there was anything serious going on I would fly over to meet him so I could escort him home. Luckily, he was OK and was able to fly home after a few days with a military escort. I sure hope something like that never happens again!
While I sat in the waiting room,  I received this selfie as he waited for them to begin. I loved it! It's a bit of relief to know they were able to remove seven polyps that were >1cm. It will be more of a relief to get the final results. I am so grateful he is taking care of his health!

Now, I am looking into how we can improve our diet even more just to make sure he remains the healthiest version he can be!

TODAY: It's Bowen's grooming appointment and he sure does need it! I'm a little fearful of how he'll look because I did not maintain him as well as I should have this time around. Fingers are crossed he doesn't come out with a weird-looking beard and bald legs (ha!). Today is also a clean up day, weeding day and maybe even squeeze some time to bake day. It's sunny and cool out there so let's GO!

XO Lisa

Monday, April 22, 2024

Weekend Roundup: this & that

(large photo taken with Canon 80D/100mm macro; all others are cell phone)

My guy took a day off of work on Friday. I'll say it louder for those in the back; He took a day off! It's not often we have a weekday together for no special reason, and it was the perfect way to kick off the weekend.

We did a little of this and a little of that as can be seen below:

We spent most of the day working in the yard. We can definitely see progress as we slowly get through the dead trees and check off yard projects one by one. He certainly put his chainsaw through its paces and was able to cut several trees down. One of the larger ones was a bit stubborn even though it was rotten in the centre. This particular tree was leaning over after being pushed by another tree that was taken down by the city last fall. It was still in tact but it was inevitable it would come down shortly and most likely take a few other trees along with it. With a bit a lot of willpower, a rope and brute strength he managed to get it down where he wanted to. It was no easy task!

I was able to get our sheets out on the line for the first time this season. Fresh clothes-line-dried sheets are the best! We have been removing the clothesline in the winter for the last few years, since the wind ripped it down the first year we lived here. I'm thinking we will try once again leaving it up all year just to see if it survives. If it works, it would mean one last task that my guy has to complete every spring and fall.

Since the squirrels were enjoying the new bird feeder a little too much, we purchased a new pole feeder. As my guy was sawing away at the trees, I was handling a pick, shovel and a couple of crowbars removing the rock where we wanted to install the new feeder. In the end, I reluctantly called him in for reinforcements, and we eventually removed enough rock to get it installed. I love it and am looking forward to photographing what I hope will be a variety of birds when I get the chance.

Wally found a few minutes to take his Harley for a quick spin to see if the work he completed was "good". Seems like he's satisfied for now and will be ready for riding after he returns from his next work trip.

Saturday evening, in honour of a friend's 49th birthday (he's a young'n!) we enjoyed a meal at MicMac Bar & Grill and met up at their home for some cake and a drink. All this when Wally was prepping for his colonoscopy taking place today. Poor guy!

Lastly, I felt the need to take a couple of photos of the aromatic hyacinths before the impending rain. These are a combination of pink, yellow and white, and I must admit I am enjoying seeing (and smelling) them as we enter our house.

TODAY: It's colonoscopy day for my guy. Since neither one of us have had much sleep I expect we will both have a lazy afternoon and evening.

XO Lisa