Monday, April 22, 2024

Weekend Roundup: this & that

(large photo taken with Canon 80D/100mm macro; all others are cell phone)

My guy took a day off of work on Friday. I'll say it louder for those in the back; He took a day off! It's not often we have a weekday together for no special reason, and it was the perfect way to kick off the weekend.

We did a little of this and a little of that as can be seen below:

We spent most of the day working in the yard. We can definitely see progress as we slowly get through the dead trees and check off yard projects one by one. He certainly put his chainsaw through its paces and was able to cut several trees down. One of the larger ones was a bit stubborn even though it was rotten in the centre. This particular tree was leaning over after being pushed by another tree that was taken down by the city last fall. It was still in tact but it was inevitable it would come down shortly and most likely take a few other trees along with it. With a bit a lot of willpower, a rope and brute strength he managed to get it down where he wanted to. It was no easy task!

I was able to get our sheets out on the line for the first time this season. Fresh clothes-line-dried sheets are the best! We have been removing the clothesline in the winter for the last few years, since the wind ripped it down the first year we lived here. I'm thinking we will try once again leaving it up all year just to see if it survives. If it works, it would mean one last task that my guy has to complete every spring and fall.

Since the squirrels were enjoying the new bird feeder a little too much, we purchased a new pole feeder. As my guy was sawing away at the trees, I was handling a pick, shovel and a couple of crowbars removing the rock where we wanted to install the new feeder. In the end, I reluctantly called him in for reinforcements, and we eventually removed enough rock to get it installed. I love it and am looking forward to photographing what I hope will be a variety of birds when I get the chance.

Wally found a few minutes to take his Harley for a quick spin to see if the work he completed was "good". Seems like he's satisfied for now and will be ready for riding after he returns from his next work trip.

Saturday evening, in honour of a friend's 49th birthday (he's a young'n!) we enjoyed a meal at MicMac Bar & Grill and met up at their home for some cake and a drink. All this when Wally was prepping for his colonoscopy taking place today. Poor guy!

Lastly, I felt the need to take a couple of photos of the aromatic hyacinths before the impending rain. These are a combination of pink, yellow and white, and I must admit I am enjoying seeing (and smelling) them as we enter our house.

TODAY: It's colonoscopy day for my guy. Since neither one of us have had much sleep I expect we will both have a lazy afternoon and evening.

XO Lisa

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