Monday, January 24, 2022

Bowen's First Photoshoot: 9 weeks

I attempted a first photoshoot of our little man, Bowen, with the assistance of my guy. He rocked much as a 9-week-old pup can anyway. I learned some things that work and some things that don't. Mostly, I learned to not give a treat near the beginning because he will always, always look for it afterward and the session will quickly end. Overall, I'm very happy with the few shots I managed to get (even if a couple are a bit soft).

Bowen has slept through the night almost the entire time in his first week with us. The one time he cried he needed to go potty. Yeah for Bowen for letting us know! He loves his morning cuddle time in the bed with us. He's learning manners while tethered to me with his leash. He is a good napper. He's doing pretty well with house training but we all know it's us humans that are being trained at this age. We are attempting to teach him to 'ring the bell' for outside. Today was the first day he actually rang it on his own. I'm not convinced it wasn't just curiosity on his part but it was exciting to hear it ring. Bowen is a good eater and responds really well to treats. He is learning to sit on command and does pretty good with it overall. He's a bit of a clown and provides lots of entertainment around here. He is one pup that has definitely stolen our hearts.

XO Lisa

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