Sunday, January 30, 2022

Retirement Luncheon

Dear Wally,

As I prepared this post and relived the day you were honoured for your over 30 years of service I was once again reminded how proud I am of the man you are. In fact, sometimes I am in awe of how you maneuver through life and the challenges that come with it.

We have quite a history that's intertwined with the Navy life, you and me. I did wonder at first how you would forge this new path you are on. I quickly learned, however, that you would handle this huge change like you do everything else that comes your way...with dignity, grace, hard work and of course laughter.

I can't help but still wish I could have hosted an "epic" retirement bash at our home. From the cake I had imagined in my head to the party favours, food and decor I knew what I wanted for you. BUT I can also hear your voice in my head telling me to move on. I hear you Wally. I really do. I'm moving on. Maybe some day there will be an occasion that we can host a sweet party that will fulfill all of my retirement, birthday, anniversary and big event celebrations we missed over the years. Now that would be epic (ha!).

I truly can't wait to see how the next chapter of your work life and our life together unfolds. It's a story I am excited to experience and to share. With you at the helm and me by your side, I know our story will be one worth living (and documenting).

I am sure by now you are thinking, enough with the 'mushy stuff', so in closing, I will say it again, I love you, I feel very blessed to have you as my life partner, and you are the best man I know.

Love you forever,

Your Kitty XO


Text reads:

Retirement Luncheon...finally happened! Due to Covid there was no send off when Wally quietly left the Military after over 30 yrs of service 01 March 21 and walked into his new life as a civilian working at GTI.\

I couldn’t have been more pleased to witness this event. It wasn’t a ‘big deal’ just as he  wanted. Sea Training arranged it at The Lion’s Head Tavern and didn’t send a notice out. It was basically word of mouth. We had no idea who would be there or how many but were so pleased with the turnout. The photos clearly tell there were lots of stories shared with the accompanying laughter. Nothing better than seeing Wally in his element...including a couple selfies. He received numerous certificates and letters of accomplishment from his department and his former officers. With this, it’s now official! 

On Wally's last trip with Sea Training he received an email from an old shipmate who asked him to come by his company when Wally was available. This was the beginning of a chain of events that ultimately ended up with Wally retiring from the Military March 1, 2021. I wrote my thoughts about it here (quite far down the post but you can't miss his retirement photo) and here where I declared "We made it!".

XO Lisa

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