Thursday, April 18, 2024

Daytime Moon

(taken April 16, 2024 with Canon 80D/Canon 75-300mm)

I couldn't tell you how often I've had my camera in hand for one reason and I spot something unrelated that captures my attention. This particular day was no different. My intention was to make a second attempt to photograph a bird flying to our feeder. I sat for a time not seeing much action, and when the birds did come to the feeder they weren't showing themselves before they flew in. While I was using my lens to see where they were hiding in the trees, I happened to pan over and see the moon. I find it fascinating that on certain times of the year we can see the moon so clearly and decided to take a few shots. On this particular image, I swear I can see a full-on face! This is the resulting image.

TODAY: It's another laundry day. I was planning on putting my first load out on the line but it is WINDY! Let's hope tomorrow is a little calmer because I am getting impatient waiting for fresh line-dried sheets. Today is also the start of Wally's cleanse for an upcoming colonoscopy. I'm most likely more nervous than he is OR at least I hope he isn't as nervous as I am. I'm cooking up a roast chicken dinner so there will be lots of food for him to enjoy over the next few days. I'm also going to venture out into our front drainage ditch and drag up some more of the brush that was left behind last fall when the municipality shredded trees. It's steep and slippery out there so wish me luck!

XO Lisa

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