Thursday, April 11, 2024

Wednesday Date Night

Halifax Burger Bash begins this week. We initially were planning on seeking out a burger today but for a reason I cannot recall we decided to change the day to yesterday.

I actually put clothes on (other than leggings & sweatshirts) and a bit of makeup, and we landed at Jungle Jim's of all places. Haven't been to this franchise since maybe the early 2000's (ha!) and never have been to the one in Halifax. As we walk in, I say to Him, "does Burger week start today?" Hmmmm....

There's no reference to it anywhere; however, the huge menu does have crazy nightly deals. When the waitress comes we asked her about it and she said Burger Week starts on the 11th. Of course it does! We just looked at each other and shook our heads. Go figure!

I thought He would still get a burger since they all looked pretty darn good but we ended up settling on their Wednesday wing special and nachos. I must say I loved the wings! Crispy coating, just the right heat on the buffalo sauce and drizzled with what they call ranch but it's way better than any ranch I've tasted.

The best accompaniment to wings and nachos is an ice cold beer!

He always can make me laugh. Always...

Afterward we took a stroll through Costco, and as always, we couldn't get out without spending at least $100. Ha! As I paid for our purchases he picked us up the most delicious hot fudge and caramel sundae. So good.

ME+HIM, bellies very full, a few laughs and great conversation. What a great way to end a sunny but cool hump day.

XO Lisa

TODAY: It's a quiet one. Work on some photos. Daily pilates. Turning leftovers into something good...fajitas w/ homemade tortillas. That's all I got in me for now :)

XO Lisa

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